prompts for thesis

How To Write A Winning Dissertation Proposal In Business

Your dissertation is one of the most important projects from your life, and probably you feel scared just thinking about this. Before you can even start working on it you will have to write a great proposal and present it in front of a few professors. If you are lucky enough to do something great, they will give you green line to write about the subject that you like. Otherwise you will have to adjust it until they are satisfied. To prevent too many complications, take a look at this advice:

  • Think about a topic that can help future companies. Since you are writing about business, you have to be pragmatic and give to your professors what they want to hear. New and small companies will always search for ways to become better, bigger or more successful. What if you can give them this with your dissertation? Truly this is the kind of topic that your professors can’t refuse.
  • Emphasize the importance of your composition over and over again. Don’t tell them that you want to write about this issue only because it’s interesting. There are thousands of things who are more interesting than this so they will not be motivated to accept your proposal. On the other hand, if you make them understand how this project can benefit the world then they will be eager to hear what you have to say in your dissertation.
  • Bring some quotes and references. You have to show them that not only you think that this subject is important, but also do many famous people. For example, you can find a few references to this issue from academic books, written by extremely intelligent people. If they paid attention to this issue it’s logic that you will do it also. Go to this service to find more quotations that you can use.
  • Make sure that the proposal is clean and error free. It does not matter how interesting your subject is; if you have grammar or punctuation mistakes they will not agree with what you said. Also, make sure that you edit it properly and you use the right font, even if you wrote only one page. This will show them that you are serious and no matter what subject you analyze, you will give everything you have and much more.

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