prompts for thesis

A List Of Outstanding Dissertation Topics To Explore

Choosing a dissertation topic can be difficult, probably the hardest decision of our academic year. Depending upon your specialization and degree, it can be the most important project that you have to undertake to prove your academic capability.

Now before you start your homework, the topic of your thesis is the first question that you need to concentrate on. This is the seed of your research, the foundation upon which your whole researchwill be based upon. It should be clear, precise and informative the same and most importantly, be open for discussion. A debatable topic is the most interesting topic. Even a scientific research which based on a hypothesis has to be an argumentative topic rather than self-evident, so there is room to negotiate.

Research paper topics in Literature

Depending upon your degree, masters or PhD, the level of complexity might differ. Of course it can differ from specialization and the matter of taste – it could be a Children’s literature topic, a comparative one, an Analytical one or a Descriptive literary research. Some interesting ideas for literature research would be –

  • Comparative analysis of British and American edition of same books
  • Representation of black woman/middle class women/LGBTs identity (a specific group) in 20th century children’s literature
  • Representation of Nobility in Middle English Romance.
  • The role of advisers to their leaders then and now: in Oedipus and in modern politics
  • Politics of Antigone: Elitist or Egalitarian

Management Research topics

Essay topics of Management studies are mostly descriptive (with statistical analysis of a demographic), hypothetical or analytical etc. The most current topics according to prominent freelance writers in the business world are about Technology and innovation, Finance and accounting, social responsibility, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable development. For example-

  • A study on measuring Training and development effectiveness in BPO sector
  • An Investigation of effectiveness of Social Media marketing in Real Estate
  • A study of water management solutions in agricultural sector


Some of the Humanities, Social sciences, Psychology and Teaching and learning research topics are –

  • The Classroom as a Complex System: Classroom Climates and Teacher-Child Relationships
  • Student Voice: How Do Students Describe Their Experiences in a Small Urban High School?
  • Love, Arranged and In-Between: Narratives of Marriage in South East Asian Couples
  • Beginning Teachers: Issues of the Impact of Preparation and Context on Practice
  • Personal Space and Friendship in Asperger and Neurotypical Adolescents

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